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R Markdown

Florian Privé & Julyan Arbel

April 11, 2019


(adapted with permission from Antoine Bichat's presentation)

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R Markdown

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R Markdown?

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax that can be converted to many formats, including HTML.
    It is completely independent from R.
    The extention is typically .md.
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R Markdown?

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax that can be converted to many formats, including HTML.
    It is completely independent from R.
    The extention is typically .md.

  • R Markdown is an extension of the markdown syntax that enables R code to be executed. The extention is typically .Rmd.

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R Markdown?

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax that can be converted to many formats, including HTML.
    It is completely independent from R.
    The extention is typically .md.

  • R Markdown is an extension of the markdown syntax that enables R code to be executed. The extention is typically .Rmd.

  • {rmarkdown} is an R package that proceses and converts .Rmd files into a number of different formats, including HTML, PDF and Word.

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Create a new .Rmd in RStudio

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Create a new .Rmd in RStudio

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New .Rmd

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Compile .Rmd

Use the Knit button to produce a HTML file

Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + K

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Markdown syntax

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Titles and text fonts in Markdown

# Big title
## Title
### Small title
_Italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, and `monospace`
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Titles and text fonts in Markdown

# Big title
## Title
### Small title
_Italic_, *italic*, __bold__, **bold**, and `monospace`

Big title


Small title

Italic, italic, bold, bold, and monospace

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Lists in Markdown

1. This is
2. an ordered
3. list
  1. This is

  2. an ordered

  3. list

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Lists in Markdown

1. This is
2. an ordered
3. list
  1. This is

  2. an ordered

  3. list

* This is
* a bullet list
* with indent
  • This is

  • a bullet list

    • with indent
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Lists in Markdown

1. This is
2. an ordered
3. list
  1. This is

  2. an ordered

  3. list

* This is
* a bullet list
* with indent
  • This is

  • a bullet list

    • with indent

  • You can enumerate only with '1.'; it will increment automatically

  • You can also use '-' or '+' instead of '*'

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More in Markdown

> You can insert quotes and $\LaTeX$ expressions

You can insert quotes and LATEX expressions

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More in Markdown

> You can insert quotes and $\LaTeX$ expressions

You can insert quotes and LATEX expressions

$$ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i $$


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More in Markdown

> You can insert quotes and $\LaTeX$ expressions

You can insert quotes and LATEX expressions

$$ \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i $$


  • Make an horizontal line with '***'

  • Add 4 spaces at the end of your text in order to write to the next line

  • You can write HTML in Markdown (e.g. use '<br>' to get a blank line)

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[Antoine's personal page](

Antoine's personal page

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[Antoine's personal page](

Antoine's personal page


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[Antoine's personal page](

Antoine's personal page


It also works directly with HTML syntax:

<a href="">Antoine's personal page</a>
<img src="">
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Code chunks

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Basic chunk

x <- 4
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Basic chunk

x <- 4
[1] 4
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Basic chunk

x <- 4
[1] 4


To display the output of a code chunk but not the underlying R code, you specify the echo=FALSE option

```{r, echo=FALSE}
x <- 5
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Basic chunk

x <- 4
[1] 4


To display the output of a code chunk but not the underlying R code, you specify the echo=FALSE option

```{r, echo=FALSE}
x <- 5


To display R code without evaluating it, you specify the eval=FALSE chunk option

```{r, eval=FALSE}
x <- 5
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Figure options (1/2)

```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="60%"}
ggplot2::qplot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris)

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Figure options (2/2)

```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="80%", fig.asp=0.7, fig.width=4}
ggplot2::qplot(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris)

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A better way to include pictures

```{r, fig.align="center", out.width="80%", echo=FALSE}

It allows you to use the chunk options for image size.

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FAQ: two figures side-by-side

```{r, echo=FALSE, out.width="50%","hold", fig.align="default"}
plot(iris, pch = 20, col = iris$Species)

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Options and Formats

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Supported languages in chunks

  • R

  • Python

  • Shell

  • SQL

  • Rcpp

  • Stan

  • JavaScript

  • CSS

  • Julia

  • C and Fortran

  • many others...

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Data frame printing and tables

You can play with YAML option df_print. For example, df_print: paged:

iris ## or directly with `DT::datatable(iris)`

For more refined tables, you can use knitr::kable(), xtable::xtable(), kableExtra::kable().

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Use R Markdown for..

  • Reports (analysis, etc) with text, code and results in the same place! With many possible output formats including HTML, PDF, MS Word, etc.

  • Notebooks (vs "Chunk Output in Console")

  • Slides (like this one! -- see source code)

  • Websites (such as the website of our R user group)

  • Books (e.g. my online advanced R course or even a thesis)

  • [WIP] {pagedown}: Paginate the HTML Output of R Markdown with CSS for Print

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Slides formats

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Slides formats

3 main reasons to make your slides with R Markdown:

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Slides formats

3 main reasons to make your slides with R Markdown:

  1. Include code and results very easily
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Slides formats

3 main reasons to make your slides with R Markdown:

  1. Include code and results very easily

  2. Make HTML presentations directly available online (easy to export them to PDF using "print to PDF" of Chrome)

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Slides formats

3 main reasons to make your slides with R Markdown:

  1. Include code and results very easily

  2. Make HTML presentations directly available online (easy to export them to PDF using "print to PDF" of Chrome)

  3. Include fancy HTML widgets (like maps, searchable tables, interactive graphics, etc)

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Include an interactive map with {leaflet}

leaflet(width = "100%") %>%
setView(lng = 5.767249, lat = 45.190590, zoom = 12) %>%
addTiles(options = providerTileOptions(minZoom = 2, maxZoom = 19))
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Example: webpage of the Grenoble RUG

How does it work?

  • just multiple Rmd documents (one by page) rendered as HTML with a common navigation bar

  • host the static HTML pages using e.g. GitHub pages

  • make your own website in 20 minutes with this tutorial

You can also use {blogdown}. See the full documentation.

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Every R book is now written with {bookdown}.

See many of them at

Again, from our side, it is just a collection of R Markdown documents.

E.g. see my advanced R course and the associated GitHub repository.

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Technical Documents

Formats in {bookdown} allows you to:

  • number and reference equations, tables, figures, etc

  • use special chunks such as theorems and proofs

  • special headers such as "PART" and "APPENDIX"

  • citations

  • etc

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Technical Documents

Formats in {bookdown} allows you to:

  • number and reference equations, tables, figures, etc

  • use special chunks such as theorems and proofs

  • special headers such as "PART" and "APPENDIX"

  • citations

  • etc

To use this in single R Markdown documents (not books), you can use formats

  • bookdown::html_document2()
  • bookdown::pdf_document2()
  • bookdown::word_document2()
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privefl      privefl      F. Privé

JulyanArbel      jarbel

Slides created via the R package xaringan.

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R Markdown

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