class: title-slide center middle inverse ## Efficient statistical tools for analyzing omics data ### with a focus on polygenic risk prediction <br> ### Florian Privé #### Aarhus - January 2019 --- class: center middle inverse # Introduction & Motivation --- ## About I'm a PhD Student (2016-2019) in **Predictive Human Genetics** in Grenoble. `$$\boxed{\Large{\text{Disease} \sim \text{DNA mutations} + \cdots}}$$` <img src="" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle, inverse # Introduction --- ## Data <br> **Matrices of** Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) counting the number of alternative alleles (**0, 1, or 2**) for each individual (row) and each genome position (column) <br> \+ some phenotype(s) (e.g. disease status you want to predict) \+ other metadata <br> `$$\boxed{\Large{\text{Disease} \sim \text{DNA mutations} + \cdots}}$$` --- ## From genome-wide association studies (GWAS)<br>to polygenic risk scores (PRS) <br> <img src="figures/gwas-height-20K.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> `$$PRS_i = \sum_{\substack{j \in S \\ p_j~<~p_T}} \hat\beta_j \cdot G_{i,j}$$` --- ## Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) for epidemiology <br> **One application: to provide evidence** for a polygenic contribution to a trait or a shared polygenic relationship between traits. <br> <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="figures/genomic-profile.png" alt="<small>Source: 10.1111/jcpp.12295</small>" width="90%" /> <p class="caption"><small>Source: 10.1111/jcpp.12295</small></p> </div> --- ## Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) for epidemiology <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="figures/purcell2009.png" alt="<small>Source: 10.1038/nature08185</small>" width="75%" /> <p class="caption"><small>Source: 10.1038/nature08185</small></p> </div> --- ## Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) for predictive medicine ### Another application: to identify high risk individuals <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="figures/high-risk.jpg" alt="<small>Source: 10.1038/s41576-018-0018-x</small>" width="85%" /> <p class="caption"><small>Source: 10.1038/s41576-018-0018-x</small></p> </div> --- ## Interest in prediction: polygenic risk scores (PRS) - Wray, Naomi R., Michael E. Goddard, and Peter M. Visscher. "**Prediction of individual genetic risk** to disease from genome-wide association studies." Genome research 17.10 (**2007**): 1520-1528. - Wray, Naomi R., et al. "Pitfalls of **predicting complex traits** from SNPs." Nature Reviews Genetics 14.7 (**2013**): 507. - Dudbridge, Frank. "Power and **predictive accuracy of polygenic risk scores**." PLoS genetics 9.3 (**2013**): e1003348. - Chatterjee, Nilanjan, Jianxin Shi, and Montserrat García-Closas. "Developing and evaluating **polygenic risk prediction** models for stratified disease prevention." Nature Reviews Genetics 17.7 (**2016**): 392. - Martin, Alicia R., et al. "Human demographic history impacts **genetic risk prediction** across diverse populations." The American Journal of Human Genetics 100.4 (**2017**): 635-649. .footnote2[Still a gap between current predictions and clinical utility.</br>Need more optimal predictions + larger sample sizes.] --- ## Very large genotype matrices - previously: 15K x 280K, [celiac disease]( (~30GB) - currently: 500K x 500K, [UK Biobank]( (~2TB) <img src="" width="55%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[But I still want to use
..] --- class: center, middle, inverse # How to analyze large genomic data? --- ## Our two R packages: bigstatsr and bigsnpr ### Statistical tools with big matrices stored on disk <br> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="figures/bty185.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> </a> <br> - {bigstatsr} for many types of matrix, to be used by any field of research - {bigsnpr} for functions that are specific to the analysis of genetic data <br> Package {bigstatsr} provides fast PCA, association and predictive models, etc. --- ## The solution I found <img src="" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[Format `FBM` is very similar to format `filebacked.big.matrix` from package {bigmemory} (details in [this vignette](] --- ## Multiple association testing The idea behind Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) is simple: test each variant one by one for association with the phenotype of interest. For a continuous phenotype (e.g. height), linear regression is used and a t-test is performed for each SNP `\(j\)` on `\(\beta^{(j)}\)` where `$$\hat{y} = \alpha^{(j)} + \beta^{(j)} SNP^{(j)} + \gamma_1^{(j)} COV_1 + \cdots + \gamma_K^{(j)} COV_K~,$$` and `\(K\)` is the number of covariables, including **first principal components** and other covariates such as age and gender. Similarly, for a binary phenotype (e.g. disease status), logistic regression is used and a Z-test is performed for each SNP `\(j\)` on `\(\beta^{(j)}\)` where `$$\log{\left(\frac{\hat{p}}{1-\hat{p}}\right)} = \alpha^{(j)} + \beta^{(j)} SNP^{(j)} + \gamma_1^{(j)} COV_1 + \cdots + \gamma_K^{(j)} COV_K~,$$` and `\(\hat{p} = \mathbb{P}(Y = 1)\)` and `\(Y\)` denotes the binary phenotype. --- ### Which DNA mutations are associated with one disease? <br> <br> <img src="figures/gwas-height-20K.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Partial Singular Value Decomposition 15K `\(\times\)` 100K -- 10 first PCs -- 6 cores -- **1 min** (vs 2h in base R) </br> <img src="" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[Implemented in `big_randomSVD()`, powered by R packages {RSpectra} and {Rcpp}.] --- ## Benchmarks (GWAS) <img src="figures/table-bench.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Precision (approximate PCA) <img src="figures/approx-pca.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle, inverse # How to predict disease status<br>based on genotypes? --- ## Standard PRS - part 1: estimating effects ### Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) In a GWAS, each single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is tested **independently**, resulting in one **effect size** `\(\hat\beta\)` and one **p-value** `\(p\)` for each SNP. <img src="figures/gwas-height-20K.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Easy combining: `\(PRS_i = \sum_j \hat\beta_j \cdot G_{i,j}\)` --- ## Standard PRS - part 2: restricting predictors ### <span style="color:#38761D">Clumping</span> + <span style="color:#1515FF">Thresholding</span> ("C+T" or just "PRS") <br> <img src="figures/GWAS2PRS3.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> `$$PRS_i = \sum_{\substack{j \in S_\text{clumping} \\ p_j~<~p_T}} \hat\beta_j \cdot G_{i,j}$$` --- ## A more optimal approach to computing PRS? In C+T: weights learned independently and heuristics for correlation and regularization. #### Statistical learning - joint models of all SNPs at once - use regularization to account for correlated and null effects - already proved useful in the litterature (Abraham et al. 2013; Okser et al. 2014; Spiliopoulou et al. 2015) #### Our contribution - a memory- and computation-efficient implementation to be used for biobank-scale data - an automatic choice of the regularization hyper-parameter - a comprehensive comparison for different disease architectures --- ## Penalized Logistic Regression (PLR) <br> <Small>$$\arg\!\min_{\beta_0,~\beta}(\lambda, \alpha)\left\{ \underbrace{ -\sum_{i=1}^n \left( y_i \log\left(p_i\right) + (1 - y_i) \log\left(1 - p_i\right) \right) }_\text{Loss function} + \underbrace{ \lambda \left((1-\alpha)\frac{1}{2}\|\beta\|_2^2 + \alpha \|\beta\|_1\right) }_\text{Penalization} \right\}$$</Small> <br> *** - `\(p_i=1/\left(1+\exp\left(-(\beta_0 + x_i^T\beta)\right)\right)\)` - `\(x\)` is denoting the genotypes and covariables (e.g. principal components), - `\(y\)` is the disease status we want to predict, - `\(\lambda\)` is a regularization parameter that needs to be determined and - `\(\alpha\)` determines relative parts of the regularization `\(0 \le \alpha \le 1\)`. --- ### Prediction with PLR is improving faster <img src="figures/pres-AUC-ntrain2.svg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .foonote["Efficient implementation of penalized regression for genetic risk prediction" -- under revision] --- ## Real data <br> #### Celiac disease - intolerance to gluten - only treatment: gluten-free diet - heritability: 57-87% (Nisticò et al. 2006) - prevalence: 1-6% <br> #### Case-control study for the celiac disease (WTCCC, Dubois et al. 2010) - ~15,000 individuals - ~280,000 SNPs - ~30% cases --- ### Results: real Celiac phenotypes <img src="figures/results-celiac2.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="figures/celiac-roc3.svg" width="55%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## LASSO for predicting height - 350K individuals x 656K SNPs in less than one day - Within each sex category, 65.5% of correlation between predicted and true height (56% with C+T-max) <img src="" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle, inverse # Using summary statistics --- ## Standard PRS: C+T In a GWAS, each SNP is tested independently, resulting in one **effect size** `\(\hat\beta\)` and one **p-value** `\(p\)` for each SNP (**summary statistics**). <br> <img src="figures/gwas-height-20K.png" width="85%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> `$$PRS_i = \sum_{\substack{j \in S_\text{clumping} \\ p_j~<~p_T}} \hat\beta_j \cdot G_{i,j}$$` --- ## Predictive methods based on summary statistics <br> When you have only summary statistics (and a small reference panel), you can use: - C+T - LDpred (*Vilhjálmsson, Bjarni J., et al. "Modeling linkage disequilibrium increases accuracy of polygenic risk scores." The American Journal of Human Genetics 97.4 (2015): 576-592*). - lassosum (*Mak, Timothy Shin Heng, et al. "Polygenic scores via penalized regression on summary statistics." Genetic epidemiology 41.6 (2017): 469-480.*) - NPS (*Chun, Sung, et al. "Non-parametric polygenic risk prediction using partitioned GWAS summary statistics." bioRxiv (2018): 370064.*) <br> The idea of LDpred, lassosum and NPS is to use a reference panel to **account for correlation** between SNPs, instead of pruning (removing) SNPs. Lassosum also adds some sparsity. --- ## Could those models be improved? - take into account quality of imputation? <img src="figures/imputation.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - support PLINK bed files only; what about BGEN files such as for the UK Biobank? - scalable to which extent? - combine with individual-level datasets? (of possibly different populations) --- ## One idea: stacking <br> For a grid of combinations of 3 parameters: - threshold of clumping ( `\(r^2_{clumping}\)` ) - p-value threshold ( `\(p_T\)` ) - threshold of imputation quality score ( `\(r^2_{imputation}\)` ) <br> Get a C+T prediction for each combination of parameters. <br> Then use those predictions as variables in a (penalized) regression (stacking of models). --- ## Stacking: preliminary results <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="figures/stacking.png" alt="Prediction for breast cancer.<br>Facets are representing different imputation quality thresholds." width="90%" /> <p class="caption">Prediction for breast cancer.<br>Facets are representing different imputation quality thresholds.</p> </div> --- class: center, middle, inverse # Conclusion --- ## My thesis work <br> 1. Developping two
packages for the analysis of large-scale genomic data. ( Package bigstatsr can be used for any data encoded as matrices. 2. Including an implementation of penalized regression for very large individual-level datasets \+ assess the potential gain in prediction over the simple standard model (C+T). ( 3. Including summary statistics from large GWAS to improve prediction. (TODO) --- ## Make sure to grab an hex sticker <br> <img src="" width="45%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle, inverse # Thanks! <br> Presentation available at <br>
[F. Privé]( .footnote[Slides created via R package [**xaringan**](]