Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Prerequisites

  • Have at least a basic knowledge of R,

  • Install recent versions of R (>= 3.4) and RStudio (>= 1.2),

  • Install associated package advr38pkg with remotes::install_github("privefl/advr38pkg"); this will install other dependencies that are needed in this book.

  • Install Git and create a GitHub account

1.2 Content

It is impossible to become expert in R in one training course only. Yet, this course aims at giving a wide understanding of many aspects of R. Some external resources are referred to in this book for you to be able to deepen what you have learned in this course.

This course was originally composed of 9 sessions (3 hours each):

  1. R programming and good practices (1.5 sessions)
  2. Data analysis with the tidyverse (3.5 sessions)
  3. R code performance (2 sessions)
  4. R packages (1 session)
  5. Bonus: Shiny (1 session)

The program is now composed of 10 sessions over a full week:

  1. R programming and good practices (1.5 sessions)
  2. Data analysis with the tidyverse (3.5 sessions)
  3. R code performance (1 session)
  4. R packages (1 session)
  5. Project preparation + presentation (3 sessions)

1.3 Useful resources